Planning and Response
Four Phases of Emergency Management
The Camden County College has established an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) which has been designed to provide a contingency plan for our College Community. The Emergency Operations Plan utilizes an emergency management response cycle of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery with our approach from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.
Mitigation activities at Camden County College are those that eliminate or reduce the probability of a disaster occurrence. These include long-term activities that lessen the undesirable effects of unavoidable hazards.
Preparedness activities serve to develop the response capabilities needed in the event of an emergency. Planning exercising, training and developing public information programs, and warning and communication are among the activities conducted under this phase.
Response activities include direction and control, warning evacuation and emergency response services that are designed to address immediate and short-term effects of the onset of an emergency or disaster.
Recovery includes both short and long term activities. Short term operations seek to restore critical services to the Camden County College campus and provide for the basic needs of the College Community. Long term recovery focuses on restoring the College Community to its normal or improved state of affairs.