Honor Societies

Alpha Mu Gamma

Alpha Mu Gamma is the foreign language honor society. A candidate for full membership, applying through the Nu Theta chapter, must have completed at least two college-level courses of the same foreign language with a final course grade of A and must have earned a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average. Upon initiation, a member receives a parchment certificate of membership and may wear a scroll-shaped gold key and a gold cord at graduation.

Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education founded in 1911 at the University of Illinois. Organized to recognize excellence in education, Kappa Delta Pi elects to membership those who exhibit the ideals of scholarship, high personal standards and promise in the teaching profession. Attending chapter meetings, performing service projects and working with children are some of the required activities of the group. To qualify students must have a CCC cumulative GPA of at least 3.2, must have completed at least 30 credits of course work, must possess leadership attributes, and must have an intent to continue in the field of education. A registration fee is required at the time of induction.

Mu Alpha Theta

Mu Alpha Theta is an honor society that promotes understanding and enjoyment of mathematics. The goals of Mu Alpha Theta are to provide students with a platform to enjoy mathematics beyond the classroom, to encourage students to become mathematics majors and to pursue mathematical careers, to recognize and reward students for their outstanding achievements in mathematics and to encourage students to participate in the Student Math League competition sponsored by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. Qualifications for membership are a 3.5 cumulative grade point average in a minimum of two completed mathematics classes at the pre-calculus level or above, and completion of 12 credits of college-level coursework.

New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration Association (NJCBAA)

The NJBAA honor society is for students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree or associate’s degree in business administration. In order to be considered for admission into the society, a student must have completed a minimum of 35% of their coursework at the degree-granting institution. All students who by their grade point average are in the top 1% of the total population of business students at their institution and who have satisfactorily completed at least 70% of their degree requirements by January 1 of the induction year are invited to join.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society, which recognizes and encourages scholarships through activities that promote fellowship, leadership and service. Eligible students must maintain a 3.5 grade point average and have completed all remedial classes. The College’s chapter, Dr. Charles Roy Alpha Nu Mu Chapter, was named for a former professor. A membership registration fee is required to participate.


Dr. Nugiel, dnugiel@rf518.com

Phi Theta Kappa Facebook


Psi Beta

Psi Beta is a national psychology honor society for community and junior colleges. It was founded to stimulate, encourage and recognize student scholarship and interest in psychology and to nurture scholarship in all fields of study. New members are inducted into the honor society once each academic year, usually in the spring semester. A fee is required for membership. Inductees must have an overall grade average of B, at least a B average in psychology, and must have completed at least one semester of a psychology or psychology based course.