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Faculty Accomplishments & Awards
Camden County College is currently accepting nominations for the 2019 Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. One adjunct faculty member from each academic division will be chosen from the College’s many talented adjuncts in recognition of teaching excellence and service to the College.
Nomination Process
- Nominations will be accepted from students, faculty, administrators and staff.
- Nomination Forms are available in the adjunct newsletter, the student newspaper and the College website.
- You may pick-up and/or return nomination forms to:
- CIM-301, Community Center 101 or Halpern 106
- Camden Campus / College Hall, 2nd floor Administrative Suite
- William G. Rohrer Center / (front desk)
- Blackwood Campus / Taft Hall (front desk)
- Adjunct faculty members who teach in multiple disciplines may be nominated in any area they teach.
- Closing date for nominations: Friday, May 24, 2019
Eligibility Criteria and Selection Process
- Nominees must have taught at the College a minimum of ten (10) semesters. (Semesters do not need to be consecutive.)
- Nominees who best exemplify teaching excellence and service to the College will be considered.
- A committee will make the final selections based on demonstrated excellence in the following areas:
- Nominee actively engages students in the learning process
- Nominee demonstrates a mastery of the subject matter
- Nominee is responsive to students’ needs
- Nominee contributes toward advancing goals of the department and the mission of the College.
Awards will be presented at the Adjunct Faculty Welcome Back Ceremony in August.
Faculty Accomplishments
Elena Bogardus – Full-time Professor in Academic Skills Math
Quasi-Experimental Retrospective Study: Effects of Formal Math Study Skills Instruction on Remedial College Math Achievement
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Phoenix, 2007
The Effects of Intensive Block Scheduling on High School Mathematics
Master's Thesis, Rowan University, 1996
Lawrence J. Danks – Full-time Professor in Business Programs
Danks, Lawrence J. Your Unfinished Life…The Classic and Timeless Guide To Finding Happiness and Success Through Kindness , Helpful Media, November 2008
Matthew Flacche – Full-time Professor in Academic Skills Math
Drumkit of the Month
Modern Drummer, Photo Spread, January, 2009
Drumkit of the Month
Modern Drummer, Photo Spread, July, 2007
Drumkit of the Month
Modern Drummer, Photo Spread, September 2003
Pascal's Triangle and Sierpinki's Triangle: An Incredible Link
The AMATYC Review, Fall 2000
The "Grandmaster" Dilemma
The Black Book, Editorial, March/April 1999
Cover Designs for the AMATYC Review
Master's Thesis: The Effect of a Student Assessment Instrument in the Performance of Basic Skills Mathematic Students at the Community College Level
Rowan University, May 2000
Kathy P. Hairston – Adjunct Professor in Academic Reading & Writing Skills
Crafting Cultural Meanings: Artistic Creation and Meaning for African American Visual Artists.Academic paper presented at the Eighteenth National Conference for the National Association of African American Studies (NAAAS).
Baton Rouge, LA, February 2010
Doctoral Dissertation: Crafting Cultural Meanings: Artistic Creation and Meaning for African American Visual Artists, Fielding Graduate University, December 2008
Kay Klotzback – Full-time Professor in Visual, Performing, & Communication Arts
Mural Art
"The Catherdral Kitchen Installation
December 2008, Camden
Students that worked on the mosaic mural: Cathryn Coratolo, Eleanor Gribok, Christina Hopkins, Shelley Mandilian, Julianna Micha, Suzanne Morgan, Tina Panna, Michelle Wister, Joseph Remakis, and Tracy Steele.
Project contributers: Henry Cummings (volunteer), Phil Rychert (art technician), and Joe Brenman (mosaic technician-consultant).
The border tiles were created by the clients of Cathedral Kitchens in workshops we gave in the summer.
Pet Illustrations
Pet Art, The Urban Animal
November 15, 2008
Book Cover and Illustrations
Everybody Loves Elwood
December 2007
The State of Visual Arts at Two-Year Colleges
Academic Paper, 2008
Michele Mitchell – Adjunct Professor in English
Poem:"cant candy coat it"
Poem published in National University's Literary Journal The Gnu Winter 2008 unmuted, Masters of Fine Arts-Creative Writing/Poetry Thesis, National University,
San Diego, 2008
Poem:"now they are alleys"
poetsonline.org, January 2009
Irene Pace– Adjunct Professor in the Reading and Writing Department
Book: “The Why Me Antidote: A Woman’s Guide to Discovering God’s Purpose, Privilege, and Potential in Adversity"
Louis Pinkett – Adjunct Professor in English
Accepted a Fulbright lecture grant in Russia beginning September 2009 for one semester. The assignment is at Pyatigorsk State Linguistics University, a well thought of institution in the southwestern part of the country about a day's drive from Sochi and the Black Sea.
Film as a Teaching Tool, Louis Pinkett: Instructor, English Dept. Funding made possible through a Camden County College faculty fellowship, June 2008.
Some Cultural Considerations in Second Language Education, Academic Paper, Louis Pinkett, paper delivered at the •Minsk State Linguistic University, 16th International Conference, "Transatlantic Experience: Experimentation, Appropriation, Disruptions."
Introductory Remarks - Annie Hall, address given (simultaneously with Russian translation) at the Annie Hall lecture at the •Minsk State Linguistic University, 16th International Conference, "Transatlantic Experience: Experimentation, Appropriation, Disruptions."
Nancy Raftery – Full-time Professor in English
Measurement of Plasma-Derived Substance P: Biological, Methodological, and Statistical Considerations
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, November 2006
Gennaro S, Raftery N, Campbell D, Shults J. Cervical and Vaginal Cytokine Determinations in Pregnant Women: Methodologic Issues.
Biological Research for Nursing [serial online]. Jan 2008;9(3):215-222.
Sandy Tannen – Full-time Professor in Academic Skills Math
Using Student Engagement and Goal Setting To Achieve a Winning Classroom
NADE Digest, Spring 2007
Students Learn by Teaching
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, October 2004
Keep Them Coming Back! Strategies to Improve Student Retention Viewpoints
January 2006
John-Paul Vermitsky – Adjunct Professor member in Biology
Antifungal Resistance of Candida glabrata Vaginal Isolates and Development of a Quantitative Reverse Transcription-PCR-Based Azole Susceptibility Assay,
Antimicrobal Agents and Chemotherapy, Sept. 2008, p. 3424–3426, Vol. 52, No. 9
Survey of Vaginal-Flora Candida Species Isolates from Women of Different Age Groups by Use of Species-Specific PCR Detection,
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Apr. 2008, p. 1501–1503, Vol. 46, No. 4
Pdr1 regulates multidrug resistance in Candida glabrata: gene disruption and genome-wide expression studies
Molecular Microbiology, June 2006
Promoter-dependent disruption of genes: simple, rapid, and specific PCR-based method with application to three different yeast
Current Genetics, 2005, p 117-125, Vol. 48
Azole Resistance in Candida glabrata: Coordinate Upregulation of Multidrug Transporters and Evidence for a Pdr1-Like Transcription Factor,
Antimicrobal Agents and Chemotherapy, Oct. 2004, p. 3773–378i, Vol. 48, No. 10
Faculty Awards
Each year the College honors our adjunct faculty members by awarding an Adjunct Teaching Excellence Award to a deserving adjunct faculty member from each Academic Division.
Adjunct faculty may be nominated by students, faculty or administrators.
The deadline to submit your nominations is Friday, May 24.
Congratulations go out 2016-17 Award Recipient
2017 Full-Time Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
Allison Green
2017 Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards
Fred Alward (Business, Computer & Technical Studies)
Linda Lyman (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences)
Gretchen Wilhelm (Math, Science & Health Careers)
2017 Outstanding Alumnus
Patricia E. Fitzgerald
Past Years' Award Recipients
Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award
(Established in 1998)
Michael Billingsley
Lesley Fredericks
Eileen Radetich
Martine Howard
William Lavell
Pablo Echeverri
Lawrence M. Chatman Jr.
William J. Taylor
Jennifer Hoheisel
Elisabeth Bass
Dianne Falvo
Carla Monticelli
Faustino Gonzalez
William Wilhelm
Robert Lorenzi
Dorothy Brown
Hoda Zaki
Catherine Boos
Kelly Jackson
Claire Berger
Adrienne Coons
Ellen Freedman
Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
Kimberly Berni
Robert DelSordo
Michael Willman
Dennis Hurley
Louise McCarthy
Anne Marie Murphy
Kevin Pelton
Michael Allen
Olga Berry
Russell Vitale
Curtis Whipple
Randi Eisen
Karen Gladney
Robert Hammond
Richard Mason
Margaret Sell
Linda Berger
Kristen Cristinziani
Sheila Griffith
Fred Steinke
Teresa Haney
Jaime Vona
Ryan Morrison
Suzanne McKenna
James DeShields
Irving Horowitz
Guy Jones
Robert Porreca
Jennifer Esworthy
Michael Colbert
Augusta Hughes
Francine Mallon
Michael McNasby
Sondi Lee
Teresa Norman
Mary Torri
Ernest Kiesel
Maura Klepp
Gail Shane
Harry Rheam
Gene Alessandrini
Rupina Prabhakar
Linda Pinto
Joseph Lee
Elaine Bobrove
Katherine Perloff
William Scheufele
Virginia Bittner
Carl Durkow
John Gordon
Outstanding Alumni Award
(Established 2008)
Tim Lenahan
Donald Norcross
Walt McDonald
F. Mitchell Newcomer
Julie Feinstein
Robert A. Emmons Jr.
Trymaine Lee
J. Mark Powell
Eugene Toni
Teaching Excellence Award (Pre-Lindback)
Barbara Jane Sparks
Barbara J. Daniels
Cheryl Copeland
Sebastian J. Vasta
Odum Burney
Charles J. Miller
Bonita E. Primas
Raman Kolluri
John Pesda
Richard W. Carney
Barbara Brooks
Betty B. Joynes
Gwendolyn Weiant
John K. deFrancesco
Joseph F. Haro
Edith Goodman
Kathryn Zimmerman
Anthony L. Spatola
Philip A. Winkie